Physical or chemical phenomenon from which one can extract energy.
Examples for "energy source"
Examples for "energy source"
1The most common energy source is radiofrequency current, but technical characteristics vary.
2A renewable energy source whose primary waste products are hydrogen and water.
3The need for a new energy source has never been more pressing.
4The Gods' energy source was based on the principle of matter-antimatter annihilation.
5If you're reading this, congratulations on finding yourself a working energy source.
1However, numerous non-model plants are essential as food, feed, or energy resource.
2Purpose: Lactate has several beneficial roles as an energy resource and in metabolism.
3Instead, Wakanda is known for its alternative energy resource, like solar and hydrogen.
4Ireland has a huge, untapped energy resource for those who know where to look.
5We consider wind power a renewable energy resource which is highly appropriate to Irish conditions.
1That's a great source of energy; it can also be a liability.
2It was obvious, then, that they had some extraordinary source of energy.
3The majority of people still use firewood as their major source of energy.
4Gas will be the largest source of energy in coming years.
5Caffeine also raises blood-sugar levels, providing a source of energy for working muscles.
1However, it is an important textile producer and has untapped energy resources.
2They argue not all states have abundant renewable energy resources like wind.
3The Government has set out its plans to develop New Zealand's energy resources.
4Norway wants to help Solomon Islands develop its renewable energy resources.
5The continent has the world's highest reserves of renewable energy resources.
1The problem with water is unlike energy sources, there is no alternative.
2But alternative raw materials and energy sources are still needed, he said.
3The path towards sustainable energy sources will be long and sometimes difficult.
4Plus, of course, this toy is teaching them about alternative energy sources.
5As conventional energy sources become increasingly expensive, demand for alternatives also rises.
6About a third of U.S. power now comes from clean energy sources.
7The Company is developing cobalt-scandium-nickel projects in Australia, more sustainable energy sources.
8Proceeds should be used to fund the transition to renewable energy sources.
9Are you an expert in alternative energy sources and what they cost?
10But most of these renewable energy sources are intermittent and require storage.
11Essentially, Eskom is the middle man between renewable energy sources and municipalities.
12Despite the focus on renewables, China is also developing new hydrocarbon energy sources.
13He said Australia should look towards more renewable energy sources rather than coal.
14It would be used to encourage the use of more clean energy sources.
15Renewable energy sources contribution to Japan's electricity needs are almost negligible.
16Subsidies for other energy sources such as coal made little sense, he said.
Translations for energy sources